Welcome to the
Digital Matchmaking Green Industry, Circular Economy and ICT
Romania, Bulgaria and Norway
May 6th and 8th, 2020
Note: This website will be updated with new information as the planning of the event progresses. Check back regularly for more information.
- Do you have an idea how to increase efficiency or productivity of industry and at the same time reduce environmental harm?
- Do you have an idea for an innovative project related to industry, digitalisation or circular economy?
- Are you a Norwegian, Romanian or Bulgaria company interested in exploring the potential of a partnership under either of the Calls from Romania or Bulgaria?
This event will inform about specific funding opportunities available for partnership projects, and be a platform to match potential partners for projects under the EEA and Norway Grants.
We kindly inform you that registration is binding, and that we expect the registered parties to participate actively in the sessions and meetings.
What to expect
- When? May 6th and 8th. All sessions take place here on B2Match. Time in UTC+1
- 6th: Introductory Webinar (mandatory)
12.00-12.30 - 6th: Company presentation and focus group pitching (optional)
12.40-13.30 - 8th: B2B Matchmaking
- 6th: Introductory Webinar (mandatory)
- Questions? Get in touch:
- Henrik Jenssen, henrik.frellumstad.jenssen@innovasjonnorge.no
- Nikita Dhawan, nikita.dhawan@innovasjonnorge.no
Main target group
- Norwegian companies interested in exploring project under the EEA and Norway Grants in Bulgaria or Romania.
- Companies eligible for and aiming at participation in a call from either Bulgaria or Romania, under the EEA and Norway Grants.
- Research institutes active in areas mentioned below and wanting to become partners to a project, registered in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.
Relevant topics and business areas
- Development and implementation of “greener production processes” using automatisation, digitalisation, robotisation of industrial processes and technologies
- Increasing efficiency of production and industry in general
- Innovative development of ICT products/processes/solutions
- Development of environmentally friendly products/processes/solutions using ICT components
- Reducing material and resource inputs
- Maintaining the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible
- Minimising the generation of waste
- Replacing non-renewable resources with biomass
- Protecting oceans and land from waste and litter by remediating existing concentrates, mitigating new pollution and developing biodegradable bio plastics.
Intended outcomes
After the event, the participants in the plenary session will be informed about ...
- Opportunities the EEA and Norway Grants can offer for the industrial sector, circular economy, and for ICT
- Opportunities for international cooperation in the relevant sectors
- Typical projects under the EEA and Norway Grants – related to digitalisation / green innovation / circular economy
- Typical activities of Norwegian partners in such projects
- Specific examples for potential collaboration projects